The original coarse-wool breed with milk, meat, wool yield adapted to the conditions of mountain farming. It has spread to our country from the Balkans along with the advancing Walachian colonization in the 14th century. It has a smaller body frame, its head is narrow, wedge-shaped, rams are slightly convex. Its ears are relatively short, both rams and ewes quite frequently have horns. Its neck is longer, the chest is relatively narrow, slightly arched, the back side is slightly sunken, the pelvis is quite wide. Legs are shorter, straight , with a strong staple. The wool is non-uniform, coarse, blended, D/E - E/F classes (over 40 μm). In the past, Wallachians were inconsistently colored, often black and pigmented. It is a late breed, ewe lambs are put to the ram at the age of 16-18 months. The live weight of ewes is 35-40kg, rams weigh 45-55kg. In Slovakia there is only limited breeding of this breed, which is included in gene reserves of endangered animal species. On the basis of this breed, our most widespread breed was cultivated in our country - the breed of Wallachian sheep
Native Wallachian sheep
Domestic goose
Slovak White Goose is a medium-sized breed suitable for meat, liver and feather production.
Slovak Pinzgau
The original, dual-purpose breed of the chicken, raised both for meat and eggs.
Liptov Baldspotted rabbit
It is a medium-seized breed with very good to excellent growth performance and carcass yield, to which it is predetermined by its origin. The breed was created by crossbreeding the wild-colored Viennese rabbit and Dutch wild-colored rabbit, while the newly-bred breed is distinguished by the head marking, which is formed by a white baldspot beginning on the white butterfly smut and ending at the ear base. This is actually the first level of Dutch marking and maintaining it will be very demanding, so the breed provides plenty of room for the breeding job.
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